If you are planning to leave your Autoclave and Washer Disinfector idle for a period of greater than 2 weeks, here is our advice to prevent problems on startup:
Drain clean and dirty (used) water tanks. Leave Tank cover/lid open and open door to allow any moisure/water to evaporate out of the machine.
Remove the machine from the mains power.
If connected to auto-fill filters: shut-off water supply at valve.
Remove any instruments, but leave baskets and racks in situ.
Switch off power at both machine and wall switch.
Keep door closed/locked.
Handpiece Oiler:
Remove oil supply.
Run several cycles with just compressed air to clear lines.
Remove oil residues.
Switch off air supply at compressor/valve.
Remove power from the mains.
Ultrasonic Cleaner:
Drain tank.
Remove filters
Leave drain valve open (if applicable) and lid open/off.
Unplug from mains supply.
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